Ode to a Blanket

Like a cloud you float above us.
Like a screen you hide our shame
and pleasure. When dreams unravel,
we dance underneath you, deep into
night’s forest. Will you protect us
from losing the way back to our waking
minds? Will you cover the tracks we left
behind when we went our separate ways
through the remnants of our past mistakes
and newborn fears? One of us dreams
he is Zorro, Superman, Green Arrow, saving
someone in trouble only to find himself
the screaming victim. Another dreams of
artichokes opening to reveal a secret
that peels away with every layer, pushing
it deeper into its heart. Sleep charts a tricky
chasm underneath us, but you, our blanket,
are always above us like a safety net,
keep us tangled close in your firmament.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

Permalink URL: https://www.cerisepress.com/01/01/ode-to-a-blanket