答问 / Reply


— 给费迎晓
1 / / 所以,小姐,一旦我们问:“为什么?” / 那延宕着的就变成了质疑。 / 它就像一柄剑在匣中鸣叫着,虽然 / 佩剑的人还没诞生。迄今为止 / 诗歌并未超越那尖锐的声音。
2 / / 我们不过是流星。原初的 / 沉睡着,有待叩问,但岁月匆匆。 / 当一行文字迷失于雾中,我们身上的逝者 / 总会适时回来,愤怒地反驳, / 或微笑着为我们指点迷津。
3 / / 写作是一扇门,开向原野, / 我们的进出也是太阳每天的升降, / 有一种恍惚难以抵达。于是秋天走来, / 涂抹体内的色彩,使它深化, / 然后消隐,像火狐的一瞥。
4 / / 这些是差异:过去意味着反复, / 未来难以预测;面对着面的人, / 陷入大洋的沉默。而风在驱体的边缘 / 卷曲。风摇着我们,像摇着帆, / 不知不觉中完成了过渡。
5 / / 所以我们必须警惕身分不明的, / 长久失踪的东西,隶属于更大的传统, / 在更远的地方移动,遮蔽在光线中 — / 真实,像一只准确无误的杯子, / 被突然递到我们面前。

English Translation

To Fei Yingxiao


So, Miss, once we ask, “Why?”
The delay becomes a query.
It is the twang of the sword in its sheath, even if
the swordsman is not born yet. Till this day,
poetry hasn’t transcended that piercing sound.


We’re merely shooting stars. The Beginning
is asleep, waiting for a query, but time slides by.
When a line of words gets lost in the fog, the dead among us
will come back in time, retorting with anger,
or pointing the way for us with a smile.


Writing is a door, opening towards the champaign,
our entry and exit are the same as the daily rising and the setting of the sun,
as if in a trance a destination is beyond reach. And autumn comes,
daubing colors of the body, making them darker,
and then vanishes, like the look of a red fox.


These are the differences: the past means repetition,
the future is unpredictable; facing each other people,
sink into the silence of the ocean. And the wind on the margins of the body
curls. The wind is rocking us like rocking a sail,
and completes the transition unwittingly.


So we must watch for those that are unidentifiable,
those that are lost for a while, those that belong to a greater tradition,
and move in a place of greater distance, hiding in the rays of light —
Truth is suddenly delivered to our face
like a perfectly made cup.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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