后律诗之一:京城鸭脖 / Post-Regulated Verse No. 1: Beijing Duck Necks


吃鸭脖的时候,我的脖子伸长了。 / 谁的?我脖子白,鸭脖子红。
鸭脖太咸,我脖子流汗。 / 我能把脖子借给鸭吗?嘎嘎嘎。
鸭转过脖子,看见狞笑的我。 / 鸭长出了脖子,我的头呱呱坠地。
脖子硬起来的鸭,输给了软脖子的我。 / 我口若悬河。鸭脖无声,只剩骨头。

English Translation

When I eat duck necks, my neck grows longer.
Whose? My neck is white, duck necks are red.

Duck necks are too salty, my neck sweats.
Can I loan my neck to the ducks? quack quack quack.

A ducks twists his neck, sees my vicious grin.
A duck extends its neck, my head quack quack drops.

The stiff-necked ducks lose out to soft-necked me.
My mouth waters. The duck necks are silent, only the bones are left.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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