世の(ほか)の群れ / Communities Outside the World
















I sometimes went with Mother as she went to visit a female relative in Tonno. When we would cross Kanroku Bridge, she would close her decorative parasol then point with the tip at the riverbank below.

“Down there, below Kanroku Bridge is where Otama-san lives.”

The decorated parasol in her right hand pointed below the bridge where the horizontal beams of the bridge passed from pillar to pillar. There were straw bags, the kind that originally held coal, hanging between the pillars to form a makeshift shelter. In front of that was a bunch of fava bean flowers, which always looked to me like the faces of little puppy dogs.

“Down there with the flowers?”

“Yeah, Otama-san must have planted them so she can make them into soup later.”

Stirred by the wind and bathed in the shallows of the Onga River which flowed so listlessly in late spring, the fava bean flowers did make it appear someone was indeed living there. Still, Otama, the woman whose existence was suggested by these plants, was nowhere to be seen.

No matter how hard they would try to keep her at home, no matter how strictly they kept watch over her, Otama-san would always find a way to escape — sometimes simply disappearing ‘like a ghost.’

“Where is she?”

“She’s probably gone out to beg.”

According to Mother, Otama was originally the daughter of a well-to-do family in Naokata. When she got to be of marriageable age, she became the wife of a wealthy farmer in Tonno and gave birth to a lovely, little boy. Her husband was kind; she had plenty of money, and she had male and female servants to wait on her. She lived a life free of want, and should have been entirely happy. All of the sudden, however, she lost her senses and began living under Kanroku Bridge. It was so sudden that it was as if she had been possessed by some malevolent spirit.

Her husband and other relatives set out to Kanroku Bridge to bring the madwoman back. She did not resist as they took her back home to where her husband and son lived, but only a few days would go by before the madwoman was back at her sunny spot below Kanroku Bridge, ripping the undergarments of her kimono into long strips and twisting them to form strings.

No matter how hard they would try to keep her at home, no matter how strictly they kept watch over her, Otama-san would always find a way to escape — sometimes simply disappearing “like a ghost.” No sooner had she disappeared than she would reappear at the Kanroku Bridge. Mother told me that not a single person had ever seen Otama-san escape along the road from Tonno to the Kanroku Bridge. As she said this, she made a scary voice.

Naturally, people teased Otama-san’s son. They bullied him, calling him “the crazy lady’s son” and “the beggar’s boy.” By the time I went to the bridge, however, he had grown up. His father had passed away, and he had taken charge of his father’s household. He had taken a bride and had a great reputation in town. Still, he thought of his mother. I was told he had gone over and over to the bridge to try to bring back his mother, but eventually he gave up completely. Three times a month — every ten days — he went early in the morning and put a basket full of uncooked, polished rice next to the bridge. At the end of the Obon season, he also left her a kimono and a sash. It was clear his gifts had reached her when he saw the smoke rising from the fire at the base of the bridge where she cooked the rice every morning or when he saw the kimono and sash hanging on her clothesline between the pillars. Still, was she aware that these gifts were from her beloved son…?

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