Dance Rehearsal: Middle Age


The fourth year of a cycle means leaves
have been eaten. The arborists claim it’s more
a cosmetic nuisance than anything for the city.
The women who have turned up for the audition
are attempting to move their bodies in reaction
to the cosmetic nuisance aging is. They pull
at their sags, exaggerate the ripeness of their
fruit. The choreographer has arranged the stage
with trees. In this seclusion, the women weep.
Many, on their application forms, mentioned a shortage
of men in Halifax and she has asked them to create
a sequence of movement to represent this shortage.
They have chosen either pilates or yoga because movement
has lost its imagination and can no longer eclose
from its nympha state into wings or moult into any emotional
instar. Long ago, these women could lure the ocean
to shore, their legs seemingly fused, their breasts
bare. They were reckless then and totally unrehearsed.

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