LOGO The tree image derives from the Letter “U” in Vere Foster’s Copy Book, n˚10, s.l.n.d. (c. 1840-50).
Parisian Claude Garamond’s 16th century designs inspired the typeface, Adobe Garamond™ Semibold,
a font created by Robert Slimbach in 1989. The logo design is courtesy of Philippe Lorrain.

CERISEPRESS.COM CSS, PHP and JavaScript customization by Joseph Huang. Layouts by Karen Rigby.

THEME Adapted from Atahualpa
© 2009 BytesForAll WordPress WP Themes


Copyrights for the photographers’ and artists’ images belong to their respective owners.
Please contact us regarding reprints and permissions.

The header images, Bijoux-Objets d’art and Carnac, France, are courtesy of Greta Aart.

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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