在峡谷里 / In the Canyon


被雄峰围护的峡谷 / 随处可见散漫和任性 / 纷乱的花香 纷乱的落叶 / 纷乱的阳光 纷乱的风 / 蓬蓬丛丛的寂静恣肆地叫 / 荫影里绿紫的血脉奔突着呐喊 / 迷狂的蝴蝶就要感染镇定的蜻蜓 / 蜥蜴背上那高耸的孤独碰着大树的枝条取乐 / 一条野溪拿灵魂一路玩耍
尘世的闹街是因为有暗中的纠纷和抢夺 / 自然啊你在哪里运筹帷幄
能否也怂恿我一次 / 没有人会看见我在峡谷里的样子 / 我的头发散开 双臂舒张 / 像疯奔的野物 / 但被那哈哈笑的瀑布淋湿以后 / 仍不能像近旁的榛丛 / 抖一抖身体就算

English Translation

Canyon protected by majestic peaks
slackness and wilfulness is seen everywhere
a whirlpool of floral fragrance a whirlpool of falling leaves
a whirlpool of sunlight a whirlpool of wind
stillness in abundance cries without restraint
green purple blood vessels shout out from the shade
mad butterflies will soon contaminate calm dragonflies
solitude towering on a lizard’s back toys with a tree branch
a wild creek plays with soul all the way

Noisy worldly streets due to disputes and loots
O nature, where are you devising your strategies

Can you entice me just this once
no one will see my looks in the canyon
my hair set loose arms stretched out
like a wild beast running madly
though after being soaked by a laughing waterfall
still can’t just shake it off
like hazelnuts nearby

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

Permalink URL: https://www.cerisepress.com/04/10/in-the-canyon