大地上的事情 / from Life on Earth


   我观察过蚂蚁营巢的三种方式。小型蚁筑巢,将湿润的土粒吐在巢口,垒成酒盅状、灶台状、坟冢状、城堡状或松疏的蜂房状,高耸在地面;中型蚁的巢口,土粒散得均匀美观,围成喇叭口或泉心的形状,仿佛大地开放的一只黑色花朵;大型蚁筑巢像北方人的举止,随便、粗略、不拘细节,它们将颗粒远远地衔到什么地方,任意 一丢,就像大步奔走撒种的农夫。

English Translation


My observations suggest that ants build three different types of nests. Small ants spit little grains of dirt around the entrance to their nests, building up a little circular pile of dirt in the shape of an egg cup, or the fire hole in the top of farm house stove, or a grave mound, or a citadel, or a sagging honeycomb cell. Slightly bigger ants do their work more evenly and aesthetically, building what look like little trumpet mouths, or the openings to underground springs, or black flowers blossomed on the ground. Big ants behave like north country folk when they build nests. They work absentminded, roughly, with little attention to detail. They carry grains of dirt in their mandibles a long way and then just chuck them down any old place, like farmers broadcasting seed as they stride through the fields.

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