半途 / Halfway


那些横在命运之路上的 / 只能称他们为东西 / 那些跳在前路之舞的 / 我们只称之为象征 / 大雨刷路 烟雾横腾
你看,我们面前这粒巨大的咳嗽 / 被抛向镜子,砸碎了幻影 / 又弹向空中 / 前看是因,后看是果 / 少了个从 也就不知道是谁在看谁
问好问好 你过路妖 提溜着灯笼 要去勾引谁?

English Translation

Those lying across the road of fate
can only be called things
Those dancing on the road ahead
we can only call symbols
Heavy rain scrubs the road      the mist rises

Look, in front of us this enormous cough
was thrown against the mirror, breaking the phantom
and springing into the air
What’s seen from the front is cause     what’s seen from the back is effect
Without the from      who knows who’s looking at whom

Hello hello    you passing succubus     carrying a lantern     who do you want to seduce?

Printed from Cerise Press: http://www.cerisepress.com

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