from approximative translations

five : leap

not with-
standing : kewpie
doll serialized on kelp : how
hunger shapes itself into an aluminum fork twisted out
of shape by teeth : capsicum worms & spittle smoking the candle
wick : an orphan soils the draperies with caviar while curling
the faces in photographs : like fire or the eyesight of one
nearly dead : let barefoot with thorns be the hilltop : a coat flutter &
the third floor enters a migraine : keepsakes with scratches at the back :
five ossified cats nailing a
family (sad

six : sundown

fruit fly
of denial :
that rain exists only within
the deer’s reality : an almanac opening to page six
awash in knife wounds : cold skeletal crack of twigs underfoot :
icarus burning & the sky trapped among newspapers : to replay
falling objects so many times inside the mind that chimney smoke
transmutes to wings : the houses are desolate at having to leave
their place of self : watering shadows & the struck butterfly : what’s
left now : a cigarette butt tips
its homelessness
to the

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